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Arseny Yakovlev was born in 1992 in a family of musicians. He received the basics of vocals from his father, Arkady Mishenkin, and at the age of 17 was accepted to the Conservatory for a preparatory course. He continued his studies at the Academy of Choral Art in the class of Professor Vdovin D. Y. He was then admitted to the Young Artists Program of the Bolshoi Theatre, where he continued his studies with Maestro Vdovin.
In 2012, at the age of 19*, Yakovlev made his debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre in the opera «Rosenkavallier» (*historical record of the Bolshoi Theatre). He could also be heard in many productions of the Bolshoi - «Traviata», «Carmen», «Maid of Orleans», «Don Carlos», «Rigoletto», «Iolanta».
Arseny Yakovlev participated in concerts at many leading venues in Moscow and St. Petersburg: the Great Hall of the Conservatory, the Moscow International performing Arts Centre, the Kremlin Palace, Mariinsky-2.
In the summer of 2014, he performed in Bad Kissingen (Germany) and took part in a concert performance of Tchaikovsky 's "Iolanta" at Lacoste Castle in French Provence at a festival organized by Pierre Carden.

In 2014, mr. Yakovlev recorded in Mosfilm’s studio the part of Tchaikovsky’s Gherman for the movie «Queen of Spades» by Pavel Lungin. Ivan Yankovsky 's hero, tenor Andrei, sings with Arseny's voice. At the time of recording Arseny Yakovlev was 21 years old.

In June 2016, Arseny Yakovlev made his debut in the role of Lensky on the Savva Center’s stage in Belgrade. In December of the same year, he performed at the Latvian National Opera in Riga in the same role. Yakovlev made his spanish debut at Mallorca in the spring of 2017 in the role of Macduff in the opera Macbeth. In June of the same year he performed on the stage of the Dutch National Opera in Amsterdam, where he closed the concert of young stars of Opera and Ballet with Cavaradossi’s aria «Recondita armonia». Also in October/November 2017 he made his debut on the german opera stage with Lensky at the Frankfurt Opera.

The key event in 2018 is the victory in the Placido Domingo’s Operalia competition in Lisbon. Arseny Yakovlev won 3rd prize after he performed a scene from Tchaikovsky’s Queen of Spades in the final round.

In the season 2018/2019 Arseny Yakovlev becomes a member of Lindemann Young Artists Development Program and almost immediately makes his debut on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in the role of Il Messagero in the opera Aida with Anna Netrebko in the main role. In the subsequent season of 19/20 Arseniy Yakovlev soled on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera more than 10 times.

In 2021 mr. Yakovlev successfully graduates from the Met’s LYADP.

Arseny Yakovlev 's repertoire also includes such roles as Ismaele («Nabucco», Verdi), Voudemant (Iolanta, «Tchaikovsky»), Vladimir Igorevich (Prince Igor, «Borodin»), Pinkerton («Madame Butterfly», Puccini) and others.
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Ария Андре Шенье из оперы «Андре Шенье» У.Джордано
Дж. Россини. Ария Рамиро из оперы «Золушка»
Дж. Россини Ария Рамиро из оперы «Золушка»
Г. Доницетти Романс Карло из оперы «Линда ди Шамуни»
Р. Леанковалоо Серенада Арлекино из оперы «Паяцы»
Belfiore (ROF)
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Дуэт Мелибеи и Либенскофа из оперы «Путешествие в Реймс»

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Дуэт Эцио и Аттилы из оперы «Аттилы» Дж.Верди
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